5 Phrasal verbs with Carry

Carry away

This phrasal verb means: "to become so excited that you do something you would not normally do, especially something silly."

Mother seemed to have bought the entire contents of the store. "I saw so many nice things. I just got carried away."

Carry on

This phrasal verb means: "to continue doing something."

They carried on until all the work was finished.

Carry out

This phrasal verb means: "to do something that you have organized or planned."

Extensive research is being carried out, which will hopefully result in a cure for this disease.

Carry over

This phrasal verb means: "to make an official arrangement to do something or use something at a later time."

Up to five days' holiday can be carried over from one year to the next.

Carry off

This phrasal verb means: "to look good in a particular piece of clothing or style."

Those long straight dresses are beautiful, but you have to be tall to carry them off.

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