This phrasal verb means: "to enter a room very suddenly, interrupting the people who are inside or giving them a shock ".
A group of animal rights protesters burst in on the meeting and started shouting at the speaker.
Burst intoThis phrasal verb means: "to suddenly start doing something”. For example, tears, laughter, applause, flames, flower.
When I asked her what was wrong, she just burst into tears.
Burst withThis phrasal verb means: "to have a lot of something, especially a particular feeling or quality, or to be full of people or things".
Helen, our teacher, was bursting with confidence and energy.
Burst outThis phrasal verb means: "to suddenly start to laugh or cry".
It was such a funny story - even the newsreader burst out laughing.
It can also mean: "to suddenly say something in an angry or excited way, especially when you have been trying to avoid saying anything".
"It's all your fault!" - she burst out angrily.