5 Phrasal verbs with Bring

Bring about

This phrasal verb means: "to make something happen, especially a change or better situation”

Great improvements in health have been brought about by advances in medical science.

Bring along

This phrasal verb means: "to bring someone or something with you when you come to a place."

The exhibition is open for people of all ages, so bring along your family and friends.

Bring off

This phrasal verb means: "to succeed in doing something that is very difficult"

Larry is a brilliant negotiator, and he's brought off some big deals in his time.

Bring up

This phrasal verb means: "to mention a subject or start to talk about it during a conversation or discussion".

A second meaning of this phrasal verb can be: "to look after and educate a child until he or she is grown up”

Why did you have to bring up the subject of money?

After Ben’s mother died when he was three, he was brought up by his grandmother.

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